Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Consulting
  • Strategy Development
  • Stakeholder and Community Engagement


  • To optimise Grains Research and Development Corporation's (GRDC) extension, engagement and communication strategies, processes and tools to align with what its key audiences need, and want, from the organisation
  • To ensure GRDC can deliver effectively on its purpose for 2023-2028 of investing in RD&E to create enduring profitability for Australian grain growers


  • A new Stakeholder Engagement Framework to guide the GRDC’s stakeholder engagement and communications programs
  • Development of 13 detailed stakeholder personas across five key audience categories (growers, advisers, research partners, value chain participants, and government or representative organisations) to ensure GRDC’s communications and stakeholder engagement meets the needs of its audiences. The personas are a means of looking closer at what the stakeholder groups are thinking, feeling, and doing, how they are making decisions, and how they like to be communicated with
  • Benchmarking the effectiveness of GRDC’s current stakeholder engagement practices against the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Engagement and identifying and prioritising gaps and opportunities for improvement
  • ­A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Implementation Plan) to support the new Stakeholder Engagement Framework setting out recommendations for how GRDC can inform, consult, involve, collaborate with, and empower its key stakeholders across the five priority categories


  • GRDC understands the needs of its key stakeholders and has a clear framework to underpin and optimise its engagement and communications programs
  • For each of its priority stakeholder categories (growers, advisers, value chain participants, research partners, government and representative organisations), GRDC has a plan outlining the intent, challenges, risks and tools of engagement to achieve its overall objective of facilitating knowledge transfer and the adoption of RD&E outcomes

Talking about what matters. 

As one of the most influential voices in rural, regional and remote Australia, we shine a light on what matters. From distilling the latest research, to tackling the biggest issues of the day, we provide thought leadership on what’s shaping our industries, sectors and communities.

Our insights