Department of Regional NSW

  • Stakeholder and Community Engagement


  • Since 2017, the NSW Government’s Regional Growth Fund has provided $3.3 billion to help regional communities attract investment, generate jobs, grow local economies and improve resident lifestyles
  • Assist the Department of Regional NSW by identifying media and communications opportunities arising from projects funded under the Regional Growth Fund



  • Information received from Seftons’ regular engagements with grant recipients from across NSW were recorded in media and communications opportunities calendars
  • These calendars enabled the Department of Regional NSW to coordinate promotional activities, media events, and Ministerial or local member visits to ensure the many regional development projects and investments were acknowledged and recognised

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As one of the most influential voices in rural, regional and remote Australia, we shine a light on what matters. From distilling the latest research, to tackling the biggest issues of the day, we provide thought leadership on what’s shaping our industries, sectors and communities.

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